*Public voting will start on 27th November.

A new wave of technological excellence is rising in Kaunas' ever-changing startup ecosystem where innovation and ambition collide. Like a snowball gaining momentum, the Kaunas tech scene is maturing, gaining practical experience, learning from mistakes and growing stronger.
Every year, Kaunas startups reach new heights of success and influence the world. They inspire a new generation, leave a lasting impression and raise standards for those who follow them.
The aim of the Kaunas Startup Awards is to honour the extraordinary achievements, breakthroughs and triumphs of startups.

Whether it's an investment or something that takes your breath away, this start-up has recently experienced something really BIG. And we want to celebrate this giant leap with them.
Every year, new ideas are born, quietly and imperceptibly at first. One sunny day, they appear out of thin air, overwhelm the ecosystem and make us marvel at their ambition and vision.

Whether you're saving people or saving the planet (even if you're saving the planet from people), this start-up is making a big difference for a better, greener and healthier world.

The improved technological solution and the added value it generates are higher than the Lithuanian and global markets have seen so far.

Applications &
Until 15 November, you could nominate yourself or a start-up you like for a specific category. It's time to highlight the best!

After the voting closed on 16 November, the jury selected 3 startups in each category and nominate them for the next round.

The Jury's &
public vote
From 27 November to 3 December, a public vote will take place on the website to determine the public's votes for the nominees. At the same time, the jury will roll up its sleeves and delve deeper into the evaluation of the shortlisted candidates. The final decision on the winners will be based on the votes of both the jury and the public - 50% each.

And The Winner
Join us on 6 December at the Kaunas Startup Awards ceremony at Romuva Cinema, where the winners will be announced. Get ready to celebrate the triumph of your startup or another!

The aim of the public vote is to give you the opportunity to vote for your favourite start-ups.
*Voting will start on 22 November.

Nominate any start-up based in Kaunas or Kaunas district that, whatever the reason, inspires you the most. Nominations are open until 15 November.
We are putting three start-ups in each category up for public vote.
The public vote determines 50% of the final result.

Jurgita Šarkienė
Gytautas Kulakauskas
Edmundas Šalna

CEO at Kirotech
Director of the Science and
Innovation Department
Darius Milčius
Mindaugas Bulota
Head of Health Innovation
Development Center
Investment environment project manager
Kaunas IN
Director, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department
Tech-Park Kaunas
Head of the Center
Tadas Sungaila
Samsung-branded stores in the Baltics

Paulius Petrauskas
Algirdas Stonys
Director of Innovation Department
Innovation Agency Lithuania
K. Petrausko str. 26. Kaunas